Implementing the Hibernate long-session-pattern

Being asked about how to use long hibernate sessions with Hivemind a couple of times on the Tapestry-Users-List - Here is what I did:


Basically all one needs to accomplish this is

  • a persistence service which I called ClientStateStorage. It can be provided with an http session as the underlying storage mechanism for production (via a servlet filter). Otherwise it uses a simple Map for testing.
  • a service-model extending AbstractServiceModelImpl which works much like the PooledServiceModel, the differences being firstly, that it comes with a different lifecycle and, secondly that it doesn't store service-implementations in a pool common to all clients but in the aforementioned ClientStateStorage.


Here is the hivemodule.xml making the new service-model available to other modules. As well, it provides a very simple schema to configure the Hibernate Session Factory.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<module id="scm.hivemind" version="1.0.0" 
  <contribution configuration-id="hivemind.ServiceModels">
    <service-model class="StatefulServiceModelFactory" 
  <service-point id="ClientStateStorage">
    <invoke-factory model="pooled"> 
		<construct class="ClientStateStorageImpl" />
   <schema id="HibernateSessionFactory">
      <element name="property">
       	a hibernate property       
        <attribute name="name" required="true">
          the property name
        <attribute name="value">
          the value ( as in config.hbm.xml without the leading "hibernate.")
        <conversion class="scm.hivemind.hibernate.HibernateProperty"/>
      <element name="config-xml">
       	the hibernate config.xml File       
        <attribute name="name" required="true">
           the name of the config.xml file
        <conversion class="scm.hivemind.hibernate.HibernateConfigFile"/>


Here's the Java Code:


service-model stuff

the hibernate session-factory


The following snippet from an applications hivemodule.xml shows how to configure long hibernate Session which then can be injected into the app-specific services.

<service-point id="DWKHibernateSession" interface="net.sf.hibernate.Session">
     The hibernate-session itself. 
     <invoke-factory service-id="webkit.awk.DWKSessionFactory" 
  <configuration-point id="DWKSessionFactory" 
  <contribution configuration-id="DWKSessionFactory" >
	  <config-xml name="/scm/extranet/domain/hibernate.cfg.xml"/> 
	  <property name="dialect" value="net.sf.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect"/>
	  <property name="cache.provider_class" value="net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.Provider"/>
	  <property name="cache.use_query_cache" value="true"/>
  <service-point id="DWKSessionFactory"  
	<invoke-factory model="singleton">
  	<interceptor service-id="hivemind.LoggingInterceptor"/>

In a real web-application you would have to configure the StatefulHivemindFilter for your controller Servlet.


  • Take care to avoid concurrent requests to your controller servlet (sync on the session or something)
  • While the stuff will work on a cluster, it won't support transparent failover of sessions, because the Hivemind-Proxies don't serialize instance state.
  • No labels