Test Overview

  • Create New Document
  • New language version
  • New language for existing Document
  • Remove language version
  • Move Subtree (cut&paste)
  • Copy Subtree
  • Move up/down
  • Archive
  • Delete
  • Restore
  • Rename URL
  • Edit Navigation Title

File Menu

Create New Document

1.Go to index or node where you want to add child
1.Menu "File" -> "New Document"
1.ID, Navigation Title, Title: "World"
1.Check: New document "World" created (at the end of tree)

New language version

1.click on node you want create new language version
1.Menu "File" -> "new language version"
1.Check: new language appears as link in overview, new language version of node exists,

New language for existing Document

1.click on node you want create new language version
1.Menu "File" -> "new language version"
1.Check: "New language for existing Document" field should appear, if there are already versions for all languages for this document

Remove language version

1.click on node you want remove language version
1.Menu "File" -> "remove language version"
1.Check: language version removed

Edit Menu

Move Subtree (cut&paste)

1.click on highest node subtree you want to move
1.Menu "Edit" -> "cut"
1.click on node you want to move cut subtree to
1.Menu "Edit" -> "paste"
1.Check: subtree moved with all ist nodes

Copy Subtree

1.click on highest node of the subtree you want to copy
1.Menu "Edit" -> "copy"
1.click on node you want to copy subtree to
1.Menu "Edit" -> "paste"
1.Check: subtree copied with all ist nodes

Move up/down

1.click on highest node of the subtree you want to copy
1.Menu "Edit" -> "move up/down"
1.Check: subtree moved with all ist nodes, can't move one level up(to parent node) has to stay on same level


1.click on highest node of the subtree you want to archive
1.Menu "Edit" -> "archive"
1.Check: subtree in archive with all ist nodes, subtree removed from authoring


1.click on highest node of the subtree you want to archive
1.Menu "Edit" -> "delete"
1.Check: subtree with all ist nodes deleted from authoring


1.click on highest node of the subtree you want to restore
1.Menu "Edit" -> "restore"
1.Check: subtree removed from archive with all ist nodes, subtree in authoring

Rename URL

1.click on node you want to rename url
1.Menu "Edit" -> "rename url"
1.Check: url of node changed

Edit Navigation Title

1.click on node you want to edit Navigation Title
1.Menu "Edit" -> "Edit Navigation Title"
1.Check: Navigation Title of node changed

  • No labels