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Table of Contents

What is Apache Nutch?

Apache Nutch is a highly extensible and scalable open source web crawler software project. Stemming from Apache Lucene, the project comprises two codebases, namely:

Nutch 1.x (ACTIVE): A well matured, production ready crawler. 1.x enables fine grained configuration, relying on Apache Hadoop data structures, which are great for batch processing.

Nutch 2.x (INACTIVE): An emerging alternative taking direct inspiration from 1.x, but which differs in one key area; storage is abstracted away from any specific underlying data store by using Apache Gora for handling object to persistent mappings. This means we can implement an extremely flexibile model/stack for storing everything (fetch time, status, content, parsed text, outlinks, inlinks, etc.) into a number of NoSQL storage solutions. No more releases or bug fixes are anticipated for this codebase.

Being pluggable and modular of course has it's benefits, Nutch provides extensible interfaces such as Parse, Index and ScoringFilter's for custom implementations e.g. Apache Tika for parsing. Additionally, pluggable indexing exists for Apache Solr, Elastic Search, etc.

Nutch can run on a single machine, but gains a lot of its strength from running in a Hadoop cluster

You can download Nutch here.

Nutch is a project of the Apache Software Foundation and is part of the larger Apache community of developers and users.

Nutch Version Administration


Nutch 1.X tutorial(s)

Other Tutorial(s)


  • OverviewDeploymentConfigs (warning) :This full page requires a complete update to reflect recent Nutch releases: (warning)
  • NutchConfigurationFiles: An overview from Nutch developers.
  • NutchPropertiesCompleteList: A fine grained account of all Nutch property configuration.
  • HttpAuthenticationSchemes - How to enable Nutch to authenticate itself using NTLM, Basic or Digest authentication schemes.
  • NonDefaultIntranetCrawlingOptions - Desirable options to add to your Nutch intranet crawling configuration.
  • OptimizingCrawls - How to optimise your crawling/fetching speed with Nutch.
  • ErrorMessages – What they mean and suggestions for getting rid of them. (warning) :This requires extensive updating to reflect recent Nutch releases. In addition the legacy indexing and searching material should be archived. (warning)
  • IndexStructure (warning) :This page needs a slight update to provide more information on plugins and the data they send to Solr for indexing: (warning)
  • IndexWriters: How to configure the index writers for indexing step.
  • Exchanges: How to configure the exchanges for indexing step.
  • Logging: Details of logging using slf4j and log4j2
  • Metrics: A narrative on Nutch application metrics. It details which metrics are captured for which Nutch Job's within which Tasks.

General Information

Nutch Development

Archive and Old Nutch Versions

How to edit this Wiki

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