Welcome to the Apache Solr Wiki

Solr Documentation

Official documentation for the latest release of Solr can be found on the Solr website. Of particular note is the Solr Reference Guide which is published by the project after each minor release.

The rest of this wiki is community edited and captures version agnostic information, User submitted Tips & Tricks, historical information on Solr, as well as some areas of Solr not yet covered in the Reference Guide.

General Information

Solr Development

Using Solr

Installation and Configuration

Search and Indexing


When you are ready to scale beyond a single node, see SolrCloud. For information on individual Application Servers, or stand-alone deployments, see the list of options on the Solr Installation page.

Advanced Tools

Tips, Tricks and Use Cases

Solr Clients

  • IntegratingSolr - includes information about accessing Solr from a variety of programming languages and existing third party applications.

Operations and Production

User-contributed content

  • Translations - Unofficial translations of the official documentation, in hope of easing the review process.
  • (warning) :TODO: (warning) How to implement basic indexing in Tomcat 
  • No labels