ASF Booth

Booth Volunteers

Please add you name here if you would like to help out with the Apache booth at ApacheCon NA in New Orleans




Jarek Potiukpotiuk@apache.orgI am leading Data Engineering track 3/4 Oct  and have two talks on the 5th but I would love to help for a few hours on 5th and 6th and happy to help with the teardown.
Gavin McDonaldgmcdonald@apache.orgI can fill in at various times
TAC Volunteers put your name below
All TAC folks can take a turn on the booth.
Sanyam Goelsanyam@apache.orgI have a talk on 3rd Oct on 2:20PM PDT
Martijn Vissermartijnvisser@apache.orgI have a talk on the 4th of Oct but more then happy to help
Bobur Umurzokovbumurzaqov2@gmail.comFeel free to call me anytime
Matt (text: 757-705-6003)

Booth Tasks and Coverage

Please see below for the list of tasks that we need help with from volunteers. Note that we are also happy to have more than one volunteer on the booth at the same time, so you don't have to be alone.

  • The booth does not need to be covered 100% of the time during ApacheCon but it would be good to have people there during the main breaks.
  • The aim is to use the booth as a meeting point to connect with others during the conference.



Timeslots and  Volunteers (Please indicate which slot you can cover)


Booth Setup :  Monday 3rd Oct??:?? - ??:??Sharan

Gavin McDonald

Can help with setup

04:00-08:45Matt HarrisI'm a morning person!
Booth Duty:  Monday 3rd Oct


Bobur Umurzokov

Kevin Ratnasekera

Can stay when I don't have other duties - FK

Can stay a couple of hours there - BU

Can stay when there no conflicts with other TAC tasks - Kevin

16:00-18:00Matt Harris
15:00-16:00Sanyam Goel
Booth Duty: Tuesday 4th  Oct


Kevin Ratnasekera

Can stay when I don't have other duties - FK

Can stay when there no conflicts with other TAC tasks - Kevin

Sanyam Goel
11:00-12:50Matt Harris
Booth Duty:  Wednesday 5th Oct09:00-11:00Jarek


Kevin Ratnasekera

Can stay when I don't have other duties - FK

Can stay when there no conflicts with other TAC tasks - Kevin

Sanyam Goel
16:00-18:00Matt Harris
Booth Duty: Thursday 6th Oct??:?? - ??:??Jarek

Furkan KAMACICan stay when I don't have other duties - FK

Sanyam Goel
Booth Teardown : Thursday 6th Oct??:?? - ??:??Jarek

Furkan KAMACICan stay when I don't have other duties - FK

Sanyam Goel
17:00-18:00Matt Harris


The following list of projects have at least one presentation on the schedule or will have some of their community present and would like some stickers available at the Apache booth;

TomcatAdded to Order
ParquetAdded to Order
OzoneAdded to Order
ArrowAdded to Order
YunikornAdded to Order
SparkAdded to Order
PinotAdded to Order
AtlasAdded to Order
CassandraAdded to Order
AirflowAdded to Order
CamelAdded to Order
KafkaAdded to Order
APISIXAdded to Order
MesosAdded to Order
CXFAdded to Order
AiravataAdded to Order
CloudstackAdded to Order
Dolphin SchedulerAdded to Order
FineractAdded to Order
LuceneAdded to Order
GroovyAdded to Order
ToreeAdded to Order
TrainingAdded to Order
PLC4XAdded to Order
StreampipesAdded to Order
MavenAdded to Order
ZookeeperAdded to Order
CuratorAdded to Order
OpenNLPAdded to Order
IcebergAdded to Order
JmeterAdded to Order
PulsarAdded to Order
FlinkAdded to Order
NiFiAdded to Order
SolrAdded to Order
DaffodilAdded to Order
BeamAdded to Order

Booth Giveaways

This year we will be giving away the following items during the event:

  • xxx
  • xxx
  • xxx
  • xxx

  • No labels