Features to merge

original list: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DELTASPIKE-119

Part 1




Discussion finished

Basic API




Serializable messages


not compatible with type-safe messages


Transferable messages (resolve the final text for a different context (locale,…)) and context-config




custom message types




creating messages via builder pattern




numbered message arguments




eval existing converter approach for numbered message arguments




message resolver to support different message-sources




message interpolator




locale resolver



(plus) due to type-safe messages it changed a bit - we have to re-visit it

type safe messages




Part 2

This part depends on decissions of part 1.




Discussion finished

el support (= el interpolation)




named message arguments




message payload -> allows to control processing of the message (via custom impl. of different SPIs) – similar to payload in bean-validation




message context (config) is immutable to avoid side-effects




clone a message context to use the same config but it’s possible to change it before the new context gets created (and is immutable)




formatter to allow to format argument-values for the final message text (similar to a converter -> we can think about merging the concepts)




tooling for devs to generate their own type-safe messages




messages within a database, or any other possible back end




inline translated type safe messages




pluralizer system for message i18n




static helpers for simple messages




Part 3

This part depends on the planned integration with other technologies like JSF, BV,...




Discussion finished

add message to the "current" context




factories to customize the default behaviour




allows multi-tenant support




message targets (ie. a message for a specific component)




application and client locale




application and client timezone




support jsr310 dates




transaction phase for message, ie. only produce a message when a transaction is committed (usually used in conjunction with observers)




integrate type safe messages with bean validation




ability to hook Bean Validation messages into same infrastructure

needs clarification - reason: ConstraintViolation#getMessage returns a string



ability to hook JSF validation messages into same infrastructure

see "current" context



messages surviving multiple http redirects




Part 4

This part contains features for integrating 3rd party libraries.




Discussion finished

support joda-time dates




Agreed API

Basic API

 * Basic interface for all message-types
public interface Message extends Localizable, Serializable
     * @return the message key (or inline-text) of the current message
    String getDescriptor();

     * @return all named and numbered arguments
    Serializable[] getArguments();

     * @param arguments 1-n new arguments for the current message
     * @return the current instance
    Message addArgument(Serializable... arguments);

     * TBD
    String toText();
public interface CustomMessageBundle
    @Message("Hello %s")
    Message sayHello(String cause);


private CustomMessageBundle messages;


String messageText;
messageText = messages.sayHello("DeltaSpike").toText();
messageText = messages.sayHello("DeltaSpike").toString();
Message message = messages.sayHello("DeltaSpike");

API under discussion - Part 1

Message Interface

 * Basic interface for all message-types
public interface Message extends Localizable, Serializable
     * @return the message key (or inline-text) of the current message
    String getDescriptor();

     * @return all named and numbered arguments
    Serializable[] getArguments();

     * @param arguments 1-n new arguments for the current message
     * @return the current instance
    Message addArgument(Serializable... arguments);

    //TODO check compatibility with type-safe messages
    //payload postponed (addPayload, getPayload)


 * Classes which implement it can provide the message-text based on the given {@link MessageContext}
public interface Localizable
     * @param messageContext the current context
     * @return the text which represents the current instance for the given message context
    String toString(MessageContext messageContext);


 * Implementations are responsible to replace placeholders in a message with the final value
public interface MessageInterpolator extends Serializable
     * replaces the arguments of the given message with the given arguments
     * @param messageContext the current {@link org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.message.api.MessageContext}
     * instead of a MessageContextAware interface. we need it to avoid expensive operations like locking or deep cloning
     * @param messageText the message text which has to be interpolated
     * @param arguments a list of numbered and/or named arguments for the current message
     * @return the final (interpolated) message text
     *         if it was possible to replace the parameters with the given arguments
     *         the unmodified messageText otherwise
    String interpolate(MessageContext messageContext, String messageText, Serializable... arguments);


 * Implementations have to resolve the text stored for a given key in the message-source they are aware of
public interface MessageResolver extends Serializable

     * @param messageContext the current {@link org.apache.myfaces.extensions.cdi.message.api.MessageContext}
     * @param messageDescriptor the message key (or in-lined text) of the current message
     * @param payload //TBD the payload of the message e.g. to use different message sources
     * @return the final but not interpolated message text
    String getMessage(MessageContext messageContext,
                      String messageDescriptor,
                      /*TBD*/ Map<Class, MessagePayload> payload);


 * Implementations have to provide the current locale
public interface LocaleResolver extends Serializable
     * @return the current locale
    Locale getLocale();


 * Central context for handling messages
public interface MessageContext extends LocaleResolver, MessageHandler, Serializable
     * @return message builder to add and/or create a new message based on the current context via a fluent api
    MessageBuilder message();

     * @return the current config to change it or create a new one base on the current config
    MessageContextConfig config();

     * TBD:

     * @param contextType the type of the custom implementation
     * @return the instance of the current message context to use the api of the concrete implementation
    <T extends MessageContext> T typed(Class<T> contextType);

     * convenient methods

     * @return creates a new context based on the current one
    MessageContext cloneContext();

    //the rest will be discussed later


 * Config for customizing a {@link MessageContext}
public interface MessageContextConfig extends Serializable
     * create a new context based on the default context - the default context won't get modified
     * @return a message context builder based on the current config
    MessageContextBuilder use();

     * change the default context
     * @return a message context builder to change the current config
    MessageContextBuilder change();

     * @return the current message interpolator
    MessageInterpolator getMessageInterpolator();

     * @return the current message resolver
    MessageResolver getMessageResolver();

     * @return the current locale resolver
    LocaleResolver getLocaleResolver();

    //the rest will be discussed later

    interface MessageContextBuilder
         * @param messageInterpolator a new message interpolator
         * @return the instance of the current message context builder
        MessageContextBuilder messageInterpolator(MessageInterpolator messageInterpolator);

         * @param messageResolver a new message resolver
         * @return the instance of the current message context builder
        MessageContextBuilder messageResolver(MessageResolver messageResolver);

         * @param localeResolver a new locale resolver
         * @return the instance of the current message context builder
        MessageContextBuilder localeResolver(LocaleResolver localeResolver);

         * @return a new message context based on the current config
        MessageContext create();

        //the rest will be discussed later
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