
  • During the past weeks we've repeatedly run into disk usage problems, we are slowly but steadily outgrowing the resources provided by vmgump. We'll shortly engage in a discussion with the infrastructure team to see, what our options are.
  • We've informed osuosl and the infrastructure team that we'd like to give back


  • Maven2 support hasn't improved during the past quarter. To tell the truth, we don't have any people actively developing anything right now, so we don't expect this to change unless anybody jumps in. Gump is more and more moving into the direction of a pure infrastructure/service type of project with a handful of people maintaining it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing since Gump's code is pretty stable and - except for Maven 2 support - does what it is supposed to do.
  • All CVS locations for sourceforge projects have been fixed by now.


  • still all Apache committers have access to metadata in svn.
  • no releases.
  • No labels