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Apache Gump is a cross-project continuous integration server. Gump's intention isn't so much to be a CI server but rather a vehicle that makes people look beyond their project's boundaries and helps the projects to collaborate.

Gump is written in Python and supports several build tools and version control systems. The Apache installation of Gump builds ASF as well as non-ASF projects and their dependencies. It started in the Java part of the foundation but also builds projects like APR, HTTPd and XMLUnit.NET.


Gump seems to create useful results for the few projects that use it. Ant decided to switch from svn to git which might require some real coding work to be done.


Gump has never done any releases. One reason for this is that the ASF installations of Gump work on the latest code base almost all of the time following its "integrate everything continuously" philosophy.


Ant migrated most of its codebases from svn to git. When Gump switched to use the git location we had to learn the ASF's https git service was not compatible with git 1.7.x which still is the latest version available as package for Ubuntu 10.04 (which powers vmgump). A self-compiled git 2.0 on vmgump solved the problem.

While Gump caught up with the change for Ant itself, the Antlib and Ivy builds are still using the stale svn uris. The Ant project is currently pondering the idea of using git submodules for the Antlibs projects, these are not supported by Gump, yet, which may require some changes in the git integration.

Changes to the Roster

All ASF committers have write access to the metadata that configure the ASF installations.

No new committers to the code base, no changes to the PMC. The most recent addition to the PMC was in December 2006 when we added Sander Temme.

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