Apache Impala is the open source, native analytic database for Apache Hadoop.

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User resources

To learn more about Impala as a business user, please visit the Impala homepage. Detailed documentation for administrators and users is available at Apache Impala documentation.

If you want to try out running queries and processing data sets in Impala on a single machine without the need to install dependencies, check out the Impala docker quickstart - https://github.com/apache/impala/blob/master/docker/README.md#docker-quickstart-with-docker-compose. It can automatically load test data sets into Apache Kudu and Apache Parquet formats and you can start playing around with Apache Impala via SQL within minutes.

An alternative quickstart docker container for Impala is also available via the Apache Kudu project: https://github.com/apache/kudu/blob/master/examples/quickstart/impala/README.adoc

Developer resources

Getting Started

Impala Development Workflow and Processes

Debugging and Analyzing Impala

Additional Technical Documentation


Papers and Presentations

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