Tomcat Setup

This details Slide setup for the Tomcat 5 servlet container. Ofcourse the easiest route to having a working Slide application using Tomcat, is to download the Slide-Tomcat bundle.

Regardless of which route you take, the following information will still be useful if your custom application uses Slide.


Here are some guidelines/thoughts on installing SLIDE with Tomcat 5.5.9 - InstallationWithSamples

MultipleStoresWithSamples - Guidelines and samples

RDBMS_StoresWithSamples - Guidelines and samples


Most of this information refers to Slide 1.x.

DefaultTomcatRealm Tips and Tricks.

SlideRealm Tips and Tricks.

Tomcat Slide-Admin out of the box

Problem: (1.0.16 only)

When I installed the slide.war and slide-admin.war on my Tomcat 4.1, the slide-admin wouldn't start and complained about the fact it couldn't find Domain.xml. I found in the Slide-Users mailist archives to try putting Domain.xml in the tomcat /bin directory....I tried that and it didn't work. It didn't work when I was running Tomcat as a Service that is, it did work when I ran it standalone with startup.bat in the /bin directory. But I wanted it to run as a service....


You should provide a file that contains the absolute path to your Domain.xml file (see Then put this file somewhere where it can be found by Slide on initialization. More concretely this means: if you have the slide-kernel.jar in common/lib, you will want to put your custom file in common/classes. Note that Slide expects to find the file in the org.apache.slide package (IIRC), so in effect you'll have common/classes/org/apache/slide/

Inside the property file you'll have a org.apache.slide.domain property set to the absolute path of Domain.xml. For example:

org.apache.slide.domain = C:/Slide/Domain.xml

Note that you have to use a forward slash even on windows, because the backslash is an escape character! Double backslash should work too, though. Paths with spaces are known to be problematic.

Hope this helps – ChristopherLenz

It does and thanks. I (ollie) would also offer that replacing the in the slide-kernal.jar with one modified as you specify should work.

Alternate solution:

The Domain class has a method Domain.init() where you can specify the absolute url of the Domain.xml file. If used in combination with reading servlet settings one can compile a version of the servlet that reads the url from the configuration which could ease setting up and configuring the servlet on different machines/setups.

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