Q: Can I make Chainsaw V2 into an IRC client?

A: Yes. See a screen shot, get source code, config and jars on the attachments screen (from the 'more actions' drop down)


  • download the ircReceiver.jar file attached to this page
  • download the irc-receiver.xml file attached to this page
  • download IRClib (LGPL) from here: http://moepii.sourceforge.net/
  • extract the IRClib distribution
  • modify irc-receiver.xml to specify the nickname you want to use as well as channels, server, etc.
  • notice that the list of channels is comma-delimited and requires the # in front of each channel name
  • if you want to join channels on multiple servers, duplicate the 'plugin' node and change it's name and parameters
  • launch Chainsaw V2 available here: http://logging.apache.org/log4j/docs/chainsaw.html - hit the 'Launch Now' Web Start link
  • you may be asked to specify a config, don't do that yet (close any popups)
  • select the 'view, show application-wide preferences' menu
  • on the General tab, check the box next to 'Ok to remove Security Manager'
  • on the General tab, change the value in the 'Automatic Configuration URL' field to be the URL where you saved irc-receiver.xml - for example, file:///c:/apps/chainsaw/irc-receiver.xml
  • hit OK on this preferences panel
  • close Chainsaw
  • save ircReceiver.jar to {user.home}/.chainsaw/plugins - on Windows, this is usually /documents and settings/{login-name}/.chainsaw/plugins, on Linux it's /home/{login-name}/.chainsaw/plugins
  • save IRClib's jar (available from the extracted IRClib distribution) into the {user.home}/.chainsaw/plugins directory
  • launch Chainsaw again


For each IRC server (one 'plugin' section per server) defined in the configuration file, you'll get a small popup as Chainsaw starts. You can use this popup to send commands to the server and messages in channels.

Once Chainsaw has registered you with the IRC server, a SERVER entry will be added to the drop down list, and you can then send commands to the IRC server by selecting SERVER in the drop down list, typing a command in the text field and pressing enter.

Example server commands:

  • join #somechannel (join a channel)
  • part #somechannel (leave a channel)
  • nickserv identify mypassword (identify yourself to IRC server)

Notice there is no need for a leading / on a command.

Once you are registered with an IRC server, Chainsaw will attempt to join each channel specified in the configuration file.

Once you have successfully joined a channel, the channel's name will be added to the drop down list. When you leave a channel, the channel will be removed from the drop down list.

To send a message in a channel, select the channel in the drop down list, type a message in the text field and press enter.

Some channels may require you to identify yourself before you can join. If this is the case, you will have to identify yourself and then send a server command to join the channel.

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