Important note!
The KafkaDataContext class in Apache MetaModel is marked with @InterfaceStability.Unstable and the support for Kafka as such is considered experimental.

With Apache MetaModel 5.1.0 there is a connector for Apache Kafka which allows you to "query" Apache Kafka topics as if they where tables. So although topics in Kafka are not actually table-like structures, each topic is represented in MetaModel as a table. And fields in here include partitionoffsetkeyvalue and timestamp. When you query a table/topic, MetaModel creates a new temporary consumer of that topic, and returns records from the topic that match the query. Since Kafka can be used in a variety of ways, including scenarios where records are automatically compacted, purged or duplicated, the results of a MetaModel query against Kafka will "just" represent whatever the Kafka consumer gets as per the configuration of the topic.


Here's a simple example of how to set up an Apache Kafka based DataContext with Apache MetaModel:

DataContext dataContext = new KafkaDataContext<>(
	String.class, String.class, bootstrapServers,
	Arrays.asList("Topic1", "Topic2"));
DataSet ds = dataContext.query().from("Topic1").select("key", "value").execute();
whle ( {
	Row row = ds.getRow();
	System.out.println("key: " + row.getValue(0) + ", value: " + row.getValue(1));

The following fields are exposed as columns for each topic:

NameData typeDescriptionSpecial querying remarks
keyConfigurable *The Kafka record's key
valueConfigurable *The Kafka record's value
partitionintThe Kafka record's partition numberQueries with WHERE partition = n or WHERE partition IN [...] are optimized
offsetlongThe Kafka record's offsetQueries with WHERE offset > n or WHERE offset >= n are optimized.
timestamplongThe Kafka record's timestamp

* = Configured when constructing the KafkaDataContext object.

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