Install Eclipse

Eclipse is an open source development community. If you have not already done so, download and install Eclipse on your development machine. For more information, see Eclipse and Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

Checkout Pig

Create a directory on your development machine (for example "mypig") and checkout the Pig source from SVN:

Generate eclipse files:

ant clean eclipse-files -Dhadoopversion=23

Pre-compile and generate sources

ant compile gen -Dhadoopversion=23

Import Pig project into Eclipse

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Select File->Import
  3. Select General->Existing Projects Into Workspace
  4. Select root directory (point to <top-level-directory>)
  5. Click Finish
  6. Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Source -> Add Folder test/perf/pigmix/src/java
  7. Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Remove javacc-4.2.jar.
  8. Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add JAR test/perf/pigmix/lib/sdsuLibJKD12.jar.
  9. Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries -> Add External JAR hadoop-yarn-server-applicationhistoryservice-*.jar. (I had to find and download this jar myself. It is needed for running tests.)

Run Pig Main

  1. Create a new Run Configurations
  2. Pick "org.apache.pig.Main" as the Main class

Run Pig Unit test

  1. Create a new Junit Run Configurations, pick any Pig test suite as "Test class"
  2. In "VM arguments", put "-Xmx1024m"
  3. Change "Working directory" into your PIG_HOME
  4. In Classpath, add user entries "$PIG_HOME/build/classes" and "$PIG_HOME/pig*.jar"


  • Build problems: Check if eclipse is using JDK version 1.6, pig needs it (Under Preferences/Java/Compiler).
  • If you encounter this error: Missing required library: 'build/ivy/lib/Pig/javacc-4.2.jar' try one of the solutions described in PIG-3399.

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