How to make @EJB Annotation work in Tapestry pages and components

This works on Tapestry 5.3 or higher. Has been tested with Glassfish 3.1.

Code excerpts are from Flow Logix Tapestry Library

In your file, add the following method

    public static void provideClassTransformWorkers(OrderedConfiguration<ComponentClassTransformWorker2> configuration)
        configuration.addInstance("EJB", EJBAnnotationWorker.class, "before:Property");

(add this to one of your non-tapestry packages)

Using Stateless @EJB in your client code

class SomeTapestryPage
  private @EJB MyStatelessBeanLocal localBean;

Using Stateful Session Beans in your client code

class SomeTapestryPage
  private @EJB @Stateful MyStatefulBeanLocal statefulBean;  // stored as SessionState object
  private @EJB @Stateful(isSessionAttribute = true) MyStatefulBeanLocal statefulBean2;  // stored as SessionAttribute object
}, variant taken from Tapestry JumpStart

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