WARNING: most of this information is for older versions of Tapestry. For Tapestry 5, see Tapestry5HowTos

A collection of various useful Tapestry tidbits and techniques.

FunWithLibraries Information about using Libraries in Tapestry.

ClearingPersistentProperties Clearing persistent properties from a page once finished.

FriendlyUrls How to use friendly URLs with Tapestry.

ShortcutUrls How to create shortcut URLs using a servlet

Installation How to install Tapestry in JBoss and Tomcat

DataSqueezer How Tapestry works with Objects on HTML pages

DefaultLocale How to set the application default Locale

ContribTableWithLinks Basic example using contrib:Table with links in the table

EasyBrowserRedirection An example redirect exception that does all the Tapestry URL tedium

HtmlTemplatesAndBorderComponent A better template for HTML pages with Border support

PropertySelectionForAll A simple way to use a PropertySelection

PropertySelectionFromPropertiesFile How to populate a PropertySelection with values from a .properties File

SendingHtmlEmailWithTap' A quick howto courtesy of the tapestry-users mailing list

SendingDiferentContentTypes How to send non-HTML files (such as PDFs, generated images, etc)

RecursiveComponents Directly recursive components are not allowed, but there is hope

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