
GenericTools is the set of classes that provide basic infrastructure for using tools in standard Java SE Velocity projects, as well as a set of tools for use in generic Velocity templates. These tools have no Java EE dependencies and are often safe to use as "singletons". Some of them are not thread-safe to allow both a no-arg constructor and configurability, but the state-changing methods are declared protected with the exception of configure(Map) which is-by default-rendered useless after being used just once. If you require strict thread-safety, be very cautious in using any configurable tools.

Default Configuration

The default configuration provided for GenericTools is here.


TODO: just link to an anchor in a comprehensive dependencies overview page?

  • Compile Time Requirements
    • commons-beanutils
    • commons-collections
    • commons-digester
    • commons-lang
    • commons-logging
    • velocity
  • Runtime Requirements


  • Alternator & AlternatorTool - For easily alternating over values in a list or array.
  • ClassTool - For simplifying reflective lookup of information about Classes and their fields, methods and constructors.
  • ConversionTool - For converting String values to richer object types.
  • DateTool & ComparisonDateTool - For manipulating, formatting, and comparing dates.
  • DisplayTool - For controlling display of references (e.g. truncating values, "pretty printing" lists, and displaying alternates when a reference is null).
  • EscapeTool - For common escaping needs in Velocity templates (e.g. escaping html, xml, javascript etc.)
  • FieldTool - For (easy) access to static fields in a class, such as string constants.
  • IteratorTool - Wraps lists to let the designer specify a condition to terminate the loop, and reuse the same list in different loops.
  • ListTool - For working with arrays and lists, treats both transparently the same.
  • MathTool - For performing math functions.
  • NumberTool - For formatting and converting numbers.
  • RenderTool - To evaluate and render arbitrary strings of VTL, including recursive rendering.
  • ResourceTool - For simplified access to ResourceBundles for internationalization or other dynamic content needs.
  • SortTool - Used to sort collections (or arrays, iterators, etc) on any arbitary set of properties exposed by the objects contained within the collection.
  • ValueParser - Used to retrieve and parse (aka convert) String values pulled from a map.
  • No labels