Status report for the Web Services Project

Notable Happenings

The Synapse project graduated from Incubation on the 2nd of January 2007, and released its 0.91 version on the 8th of January. Three new committers Indika Kumara, Chathura Ekanayake and Tijs Rademakers have been voted in, and the team is preparing for the 1.0 release in the near future.

Code Releases [since the last report]

  • Synapse released 0.91 on 8th January 2007
  • Apache Muse 2.2.0 will be released on March 23rd, 2007. Muse-based applications are now capable of running on JREs that conform to the J2ME Foundation Profile.
  • Axis2 released v1.1.1 on 09th January 2007

Legal Issues

Cross-Project Issues

Problems with committers, members, projects etc?

Subproject News

Woden incubator

Woden is a Java class library for reading, validating, manipulating, creating and writing WSDL 2.0 documents. Woden entered the Incubator in April 2005. There have been seven pre-1.0 milestone releases since then and Woden has been included in the Axis2 1.1 release. Our current set of active committers consists of five from IBM, two from WSO2 and one from University of Moratuwa.

Recent activity since our last report in December:

  • Woden Milestone 7 was release 19th February 2007 which delivered full compliance for parsing valid WSDL 2.0 documents, as per the WSDL 2.0 Candidate Recommendation spec at 10th Feb.
  • At its release, Woden M7's test results were all 'green' for the 'valid' WSDL test suite on the W3C WSDL 2.0 Interop Dashboard [1]. Any subsequent changes to the WSDL 2.0 spec and test suite will be reflected in the next release of Woden.

  • Since the WSDL 2.0 Interop event in November, the Woden development focus has been on completing this WSDL 2.0 compliance and supporting the Axis2 developers who have been participating in the on-going WSDL 2.0 Message Exchange testing for the WSDL 2.0 working group (part of the Interop event).

Our immediate priorities are:

  • work closely with the WSDL 2.0 working group as the spec moves from CR to Proposed Recommendation (expected early March) to keep Woden up-to-date with the PR spec.
  • complete the validation logic in Woden to fully support the WSDL 2.0 assertions defined in the spec (i.e. the non-schema validation rules)
  • release a version of Woden that is fully WSDL 2.0 compliant (for valid and invalid WSDL) at or shortly after WSDL 2.0 spec becomes a full W3C Recommendation, which should be within a few weeks of PR.
  • begin the process to exit incubation and become a sub-project of Apache WS



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