General Comments

There are no issues that require Board attention. Developer activity has been rather low for all three subprojects, apart from the FOP work on Complex Scripts. Java 1.5 has been accepted as the base version of the platform.

XML Graphics Commons

XGC's Gump builds started causing error reports when the build infrastructure was moved from sun to openjdk. This is due to a dependency on com.sun Java classes, especially on the com.sun JPEG codec. Very recently this dependency was removed, so that the project builds are successful again.


There have been practically no changes to the codebase in the last three months. User list activity has gone down a bit but questions are mostly getting answers. Gump builds currently fail as well for the same reason as with XGC. Batik still depends on com.sun classes for JPEG encoding. This is expected to be resolved soon by adding XGC as a dependency tor Batik (and thereby reducing code redundancy between the two subprojects).


Support for Complex Scripts in FOP is being developed by Glenn Adams, who is sponsored for this work by Basis Technologies. Completion of this work will make FOP truly global, as is required in today's world, but this will take some time. The current phase focuses on Arabic scripts. Because FOP depends on XGC, its Gump builds failed as well. With the help of infrastructure, we have realised nightly builds for FOP. Old Renderer implementations for AFP, PCL, PDF, PS were removed, to reduce redundancy in the code. Glenn Adams introduced a policy of no checkstyle, javadoc and ant warnings.

Deployment to Maven repository

With help of a fellow ASF committer the artifacts of the XML Graphics Commons 1.4 and FOP 1.0 releases were deployed to the Maven repository, one month after the release of FOP.

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