Batik HowTos

ApacheCON presentation (2003)

"Java Applications with Apache Batik" is the Batik presentation given at ApacheCON 2003. It attempts to give an overview of the structure of Batik as well as some examples of "non-trivial" things that can be done with Batik.

PDF Transcoder

Inline SVG

  • AboutBox - Display an About box using inline SVG

SVG and CSS DOM interfaces

Rendering Dynamic SVG to offscreen buffer without JSVGCanvas

Interactivity and Scripting

  • Scripting - A project which «adds script tag support for any jsr-223 scripting language. So, it is possible to use any jsr-223 scripting language with SVG script tag». Search for "SVG scripting" within the page for additional information. Note that bug 45948 is meant to track progress on this.

CSS Stylesheets

  • ChangeCss - Change CSS Stylesheet for multiple transcodes

Pack200, Applets and Java Plug-in

  • Pack200 - Compress applets with pack200 and use with the Java Plug-in

Extract Elements and Styles from a SVG Document

Initialize a canvas from a InputStream

  • No labels