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Stats Plugin

NOTE: This module requires SpamAssassin 3.1+

Stats Plugin provides real-time statistics genereated by SpamAssassin. Statistics are stored inside of a MySQL table (defined as stats) which contains the following information:

$day $username $domain $ham $spam $total

Each entry is rotated daily, meaning when the day changes a new entry is placed into the table with the new date and the following fields are set to zero: ham, spam, total. The table also contains an entry which retains totals for the system for each day. This entry has the username and domain replaced by the string "$TOTALS".

To Begin Using

To begin using the Stats Plugin you will need to create a table for the plugin to write to. Here is the necessary schema: BR

Warning: This has only been used with MySQL 4.0.24! BR

  day date NOT NULL default'',
  username varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
  domain varchar(100) default '',
  spam int(20) default '0',
  ham int(20) default '0',
  total int(20) default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (day,username,domain)

Once the table has been created you will need to add the following options into your or other configuration file: BR

  • You will need to replace the following variables with settings for you configuration* BR
# Configure SQL for statistical storage
use_stats                       1
user_stats_dsn                  DBI:mysql:spamassassin_beta:sql_hostname
user_stats_sql_username         sql_username
user_stats_sql_password         sql_password
user_stats_sql_table            sql_table

Then the plugin will need to be added to your init.pre or other .pre file:

# Stats Plugin - store stats in a MySQL DB
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Stats

Finally, we need to put the plugin inside of the SpamAssassin plugin directory. You can copy the code below, but I would recommend downloading it from my site -

=head1 NAME

package Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Stats - Keep Real Time SpamAssassin Stastics 


  loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Stats

  user_stats_dsn                  DBI:mysql:spamassassin_beta:sql_hostname
  user_stats_sql_username         sql_user
  user_stats_sql_password         sql_pass
  user_stats_sql_table            stats


This SpamAssassin plugin records real-time, user-level statistics.  The statistics are stored inside of a MySQL database and are rotated daily.  Each entry inside the table contains the current date, user, domain, number of hams (legitimate mail), number of spams (unsolicited mail) and total number of messages for that individual.  There is also a total field which also rotates daily.  It contains the total number of hams, spams, and messages that the system has seen for that day.  This entry is notated with the $TOTALS username and $TOTALS domain name.

package Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Stats;

use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;
use Mail::SpamAssassin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger;

use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin);

sub new {

  my ($class, $mailsa) = @_;
  $class = ref($class) || $class;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsa);
  bless ($self, $class);



sub set_config {

  my ($self, $conf) = @_;
  my @cmds = ();

  push (@cmds, {
        setting => 'use_stats',
        default => 1,
        type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_NUMERIC,

  push (@cmds, {
        setting => 'user_stats_dsn',
        type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING,

  push (@cmds, {
        setting => 'user_stats_sql_username',
        type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING,

  push (@cmds, {
        setting => 'user_stats_sql_password',
        type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING,

  push (@cmds, {
        setting => 'user_stats_sql_table',
        type => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_STRING,


sub check_end {
  my ($self, $params) = @_;
  my $pms = $params->{permsgstatus};

  return 0 unless ($pms->{conf}->{use_stats});

  dbg("stats: Executing stats-plugin");

  my $dsn = $self->{main}->{conf}->{user_stats_dsn};
  if (!defined($dsn)) {
        dbg("stats: no DSN specified; HALT!");
        return 1;

  require DBI;

  my $main = $self->{main};
  my $dbuser = $main->{conf}->{user_stats_sql_username};
  my $dbpass = $main->{conf}->{user_stats_sql_password};
  my $table = $main->{conf}->{user_stats_sql_table};

  my $f_spam = 'spam';
  my $f_ham = 'ham';
  my $f_total = 'total';
  my $f_username = 'username';
  my $f_domain = 'domain';
  my $f_day = 'day';
  my $isspam;
  my $user;
  my $domain;
  my $tot_user = '$TOTALS';
  my $tot_domain = '$TOTALS';

  my $username = $self->{main}->{username};
  $username = lc($username);
  my $score = $pms->{score};
  my $required_score = $main->{conf}->{required_score};

  dbg("stats: Splitting $username based on @");
  ($user,$domain) =  split /@/,$username;
  if (!defined($domain)) {
        $domain = '';

  dbg("stats: User: $user Domain: $domain");
  dbg("stats: Message Score: $score out of $required_score");

  if ($score >= $required_score ) {
        $isspam = 1;
  else {
        $isspam = 0;

  dbg("stats: IsSpam is $isspam");

  my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn, $dbuser, $dbpass, {'PrintError' => 0});
  my $user_exists = &get_current_entry($user, $domain, $dbh, $table, $f_username, $f_domain, $f_day);
  my $total_exists = &get_current_entry($tot_user, $tot_domain, $dbh, $table, $f_username, $f_domain, $f_day);

  if ($dbh) {
        &execute_stats($user, $domain, $dbh, $table, $f_spam, $f_ham, $f_total, $f_username, $f_domain, $f_day, $isspam, $user_exists);
        &execute_stats($tot_user, $tot_domain, $dbh, $table, $f_spam, $f_ham, $f_total, $f_username, $f_domain, $f_day, $isspam, $total_exists);
  else {
        die "stats: SQL error: " . DBI->errstr . "\n";

sub get_current_entry {
  my ($user, $domain, $dbh, $table, $f_username, $f_domain, $f_day) = @_;
  my $sql = "SELECT $f_username from $table where $f_username = '$user' and $f_domain = '$domain' and $f_day = curdate()";
  dbg("stats: Executing $sql");
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
        if ($sth) {
                my $rv = $sth->execute();
                dbg("stats: rv contains $rv");
                if ($rv eq "0E0") {
                        dbg("stats: Entry does not exist for $user\@$domain");
                        return 0;
                else {
                        dbg("stats: Entry already exists for $user\@$domain");
                        return 1;
        else {
                die "stats: SQL error: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n";

sub execute_stats {
  my ($user, $domain, $dbh, $table, $f_spam, $f_ham, $f_total, $f_username, $f_domain, $f_day, $isspam, $exists) = @_;
  my $sql;

  if ($exists) {
        $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $f_total = $f_total + 1 WHERE $f_username = '$user' and $f_domain = '$domain' and $f_day = curdate()";
  else {
        $sql = "INSERT into $table ($f_day,$f_username,$f_domain,$f_spam,$f_ham,$f_total) VALUES (curdate(),'$user','$domain',0,0,1)";

  dbg("stats: config: SQL executing $sql");
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

  if ($sth) {
        my $rv = $sth->execute();

        if ($rv) {
                dbg("stats: Stats change for $user\@$domain");
                if ($isspam) {
                        $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $f_spam = $f_spam + 1 WHERE $f_username = '$user' and $f_domain = '$domain' and $f_day = curdate()";
                else {
                        $sql = "UPDATE $table SET $f_ham = $f_ham + 1 WHERE $f_username = '$user' and $f_domain = '$domain' and $f_day = curdate()";
                $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);
                if ($sth) {
                        $rv = $sth->execute();
                        if ($rv) {
                                dbg("stats: Updated Spam Type $sql")
                        else {
                                die "stats: SQL error $sql\n".$sth->errstr."\n";
                else {
                        die "stats: SQL error $sql\n".$sth->errstr."\n";
        else {
                die "stats: SQL error $sql\n".$sth->errstr."\n";
  else {
        die "stats: SQL error: " . $dbh->errstr . "\n";




Use this plugin at your own risk. I cannot gurantee it will not cause you issues!

If you have any problems with this plugin, suggestions, or would like to submit modifications to it please contact me at:

jamesk at okeating dot net

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