
Every last Wednesday of the month 6:45-8:30 pm (but people are more than welcome to hang around).


June, July:
Piccolo's Pizza 5301 Roosevelt Way NE (between 53rd St & 55th St)

The rest of the year:

University of Washington, Allen Center

Map: http://www.washington.edu/home/maps/?CSE

Room: 303

More Info:

The meetup is about 2 hours: we'll have two in-depth talks of 15-20 minutes each, and then several "lightning talks" of 5 minutes. We'll then have discussion and 'social time'.

Let the contact know if you're interested in speaking or attending.

We'd like to focus on education, so every presentation *needs* to ask some questions at the end. We can talk about these after the presentations, and I'll record what we've learned in a wiki and share that with the rest of us.

Contact: bradfordstephens@gmail.com

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