

TPTP test suite is used to test DRLVM JVMTI profiling support

Each test execution consists of 2 phases:

  1. Test scenario runs on tested vm with TPTP profiling agent. Profiling data is saved to xml file. 2. Xml file generated on phase 1 is verified.

Test is considered passed if (1) test scenario was run without errors and (2) verification succeeded.


The suite regulary runs with Cruise Control for 3 platforms (Windows, Linux) x86 & Linux x86_64

Current pass rate is 100%.

How To Run

1. Run with Build & Test Infrastructure

Just run tptp suite within BTI

See Build-test Framework


Exclude list is in infra/build/checkouts/tptp/exclude.list

2. Standalone run

Checkout tptp runner scripts:

svn co

in tptp directory run:

ant -Dtested.jre=$TESTED_JAVA_HOME

or in 2 steps:

ant setup  // obtain prerequisites and build
ant -Dtested.jre=$TESTED_JAVA_HOME run  // run tests

See the report in tptp/results directory.


Exclude list is in tptp/exclude.list

3. Manual build & run

Follow this instructions to get AC, checkout and build tests.

To run the tests use the following command:

${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java \
    -Dtest.param="${EM_OPT}" \
    -Dtest.timeout=${test.timeout} \
    -Dconfigfile="$CFGFILE" \
    -Dtest.output=${OUTPUT} \${UT_RUNTIME} \
    -Dtest.home=${TEST_HOME} \
    -Dac.home=${AC_HOME} \
    -Dtest.verbose=false \
    -Xbootclasspath/p:${BOOTCLASSPATH} \
    -classpath ${CLASSPATH} \ > ${OUTPUT}/log.txt 2>&1


   JAVA_HOME - reference runtime location
   EM_OPT - running mode
            for DRLVM -Xint/-Xem:opt/-Xem:jet or default +  -XX:vm.assert_dialog=false
            for RI it is empty
   TIME_OUT - time in milliseconds for 1 test
   CFGFILE - configure file location. E.g.
   OUTPUT  - output directory location
   UT_RUNTIME - tested JRE location
   TEST_HOME  - tests directory location
   AC_HOME - agent directory location
   BOOTCLASSPATH - used bootclasspath
   CLASSPATH - used jar files


To exclude tests modify configuration xml file: $CFGFILE

For specific "<test_case>" node change "execute" attribute from "yes" to "no"

4. Run single test

a. Using exclude list

To run single test you should add all the tests except the one you need to the exclude list.

Then run suite with one of the preceding methods.

b. Manual run of single test scenario

You may also run the test scenario with tested jre using the command line and environment provided in any test report file.

This is not a complete test run because profiling data verification will not be performed. However this method is good for debugging VM crashes during scenario execution.

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