A Listing Of Log4j Related External Resources


  • LogWeb servlet-based Log4j configuration facility (open source)
  • VigiLog log file viewer (open source)
  • log4jdbc SQL/JDBC logger (open source)
  • JAMon monitoring tool (open source) - JAMon provides a Log4j Appender that will
    *Aggregate how many messages of each Level have been logged(DEBUG/WARN/...) and when each of these were last invoked
    *Allow you to view a 'tail' of each Levels most recent messages via a JAMon web page
    *Count how many messages of any given content that have been sent to your log (i.e. 'Invalid login by user X'),
    *JAMon also provides a wealth of other realtime stats such as SQL Performance metrics, page hit times, and more.
    *No code changes are required to do any of this!
    *More info on the JAMonAppender
    *JAMon Live Demo
  • Layered Configurator A configurator that uses other configurators in sequence, and can use system properties as substitution variables(open source)



  • Log4j tutorial, examples, log4j.properties vs. log4j.xml, Best practices for logging and exception handling, Tomcat configuration monitor, monitors changes to logfiles and updates the log4j configuration.

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