Proposed basic methodology for GSoC projects for Marmotta:

  • Fork our Github mirror and give your mentor admin permissions.
  • Create a branch from 'develop' for your project; according our development guidelines, we recommend to use the issue identifier (MARMOTTA-XXX) as name for the topic branch.
  • Your mentor will closely follow your development there, using the comments on the code committed to provide you early feedback.
  • Create issues there for internal issues of the project.
  • But please use the dev mailing list for any further discussion; periodic reports (weekly?) there are highly recommend.
  • Try to periodically update your fork from upstream.
  • For intellectual property reasons, to pass the final review the student must submit the code to ASF, either attaching a patch to the Jira issue or doing a Pull Request to our github mirror. The then mentor would be able to merge and sign your contribution.

This methodology is inspired by our experience on previous editions, and it's just a recommendation. In the end each mentor is free to decide how to do it.

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