There are several active mailing lists for mod_python.

User mailing list

The users' mailing list ( is for general discussion for the whole mod_python community. This is the place to ask questions about how to use or install mod_python, or to share your experiences or tip and tricks. If you have a question though you are encouraged to search this list's archives as it is likely that your question has already been answered before. Major announcements are also made to this list, such as when new releases or patches are available.

You can browse the archive of past messages. To search through the archives fill in the search form on the mod_python home page.

Anybody may read or post messages to the list, but before you can post messages you must subscribe first. To subscribe to the list send an email message to with the word "subscribe" in the subject. This is a medium-volume list, and can average from a few to a dozen or so messages per day.

Before posting any questions to the mailing list, it is recommended that you first read How To Ask Questions The Smart Way. By taking heed of these guidelines, it may help you to find the answer to the question before you even go to ask it, by pointing out other ways you may find the answer. The best way to ask your question so as to increase your chances of getting a response is also covered. Finally, the guidelines also cover issues such as whether the mailing list you intend to ask your question on is even the appropriate forum. Remember, the mailing list is for the use of mod_python and is not intended to be a place for asking more general questions about Python. If you have more general questions, you should try the comp.lang.python newsgroup.

More information can be found on the list information page, including instructions for unsubscribing or changing your delivery options.

This mailing list is powered by the Mailman (GNU Mailing List Manager) software.

Developer mailing list

The developers' mailing list ( is targeted at discussions of the development of the mod_python software itself. It may include discussions of internals, beta testing, planning for new features and so on. General topics of using or installing mod_python should be sent to the users' mailing list instead.

You can browse through old messages at the Gmane Archives, at The Mail Archive or the Official ASF Archive.

Anybody may read or post messages to the list, but before you can post messages you must subscribe. To subscribe, send an email message to, or to receive in daily-digest form send an email to instead. This is a low volume list, although the volume will be larger when new releases are about to be made.

For more information about the developers' mailing list, including the list-FAQ and instructions for unsubscribing send an email to

This mailing list is powered by the ezmlm software.

Change notification list

The change notification mailing list ( is an automated list for sending low-level announcements of all changes made to the mod_python source code or wiki pages. Typically, only those people involved in the development of mod_python or it's documentation will be interested in this list. Important announcements, such as new releases or patches, are not sent to this list (they are sent to the general users' list instead).

Wiki edits: Note that if you are only interested in being notified when changes are made to specific wiki pages (and not everything), you can instead register a user account on this wiki (click the login link at the top), and then you can subscribe to specific pages by clicking the subscribe link at the top of the pages of interest or by going to your UserPreferences page. See HelpOnUserPreferences for instructions on subscribing.

This is a read-only list and is not open for posting or discussions. Also note that this list is relatively high-volume. To subscribe, send an email message to, or to receive in daily-digest format send an email to instead.

For more information about the change notification mail list, including the list-FAQ and instructions for unsubscribing send an email to

This mailing list is powered by the ezmlm software.

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