This is a work in progress draft of a possible proposal for an enhancement of the NetBeans Module System.


  • let NetBeans modules depend on specific JDK modules (rather than the current dependency on whole platform, and use of OpenIDE-Module-Package-Dependencies)
  • should work at runtime on JDK 9
  • ideally should also work on JDK 8
  • ideally should work at compile time as well

Possible non-goals

  • update the build system to work on JDK 9
  • dependency on user JPMS module (only dependencies on JDK modules)


  • more precise/sharper module dependencies
  • a cleaner replacement for current hacks like requires.nb.javac/OpenIDE-Module-Hide-Classpath-Packages


If a module would have a dependency on the "java.base" module (spec. version >= 8), then it could and would have to explicitly list any JDK module it depends on as a dependency. Only types from the explicitly listed modules would be visible. Modules that would not have the dependency on the "java.base" module would get the current/old handling.

Open Issues



A crude prototype exists.


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