NUTCH-1936 GSoC 2015 - Move Nutch to Hadoop 2.X


The Nutch PMC discussed ideas for a good 2015 GSoC project. It appears that porting the (trunk) codebase to Hadoop 2.X seems to an attractive option and one which would present an excellent learning experience for a summer student. Essentially this project will involve porting ALL aspects of every class which utilizes the Hadoop 1.X codebase to Hadoop 2.X. A good starting point would be to understand what has already been discussed in the existing JIRA Issues.

Interested Mentors

Lewis John McGibbney

Student Proposals
  • Name:
  • University:
  • Short Description of Interests in GSoC:
  • Proposal: Please attach as a PDF/Word Document and simply link to it from here.




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