Q: Has anyone come up with a tidy way to build NuttX with board-specific pieces outside the source tree?

A: Here are four:

1. Make export

There is a make target called make export. It will build NuttX, then bundle all of the header files, libaries, startup objects, and other build components into a .zip file. You can can move that .zip file into any build environment you want. You can even build NuttX under a DOS CMD window.

This make target is documented in the top level nuttx/README.txt.

2. Replace the apps/ Directory

You can replace the entire apps/ directory. It is not a critical part of the OS. The apps/ is simply provided for you to help with your application development. It should not dictate anything that that you do.

To use a different apps directory, simply execute make menuconfig in the top-level nuttx/ directory and redefine CONFIG_APPS_DIR in your .config file so that it points to a different, custom application directory. Note that CONFIG_APPS_DIR is a relative path from the top-level nuttx/ directory.

You can copy any pieces that you like from the old apps/directory to your custom apps directory as necessary. This is documented in nuttx/boards/README.txt, in the NuttX Porting Guide and Build options, and in the apps/README.txt file.

3. Extend the apps/ Directory

If you like the random collection of stuff in the apps/ directory but just want to expand the existing components with your own, external sub-directory then there is an easy way to that too: You just create a sympolic link in the apps/ directory that redirects to your application sub-directory (or copy your code into a sub-directory of apps/).

Makefile and Make.defs. In order to be incorporated into the build, the directory that you link under the apps/ directory should contain (1) a Makefile that supports the clean and distclean targets (see other Makefiles for examples), and (2) a tiny Make.defs make file fragment that simply adds the build directories to the variable CONFIGURED_APPS like:

  CONFIGURED_APPS += my_directory1 my_directory2

Automatic Sub-directoy Inclusion. The apps/Makefile will always automatically check for the existence of sub-directories containing a Makefile and a Make.defs file. The Makefile will be used only to support cleaning operations. The Make.defs file provides the set of relative paths to directories to be built; these directories must also contain a Makefile. That Makefile that can build the sources and add the object files to apps/libapps.a archive (see other Makefiles for examples). It should support the all, install, context, and depend targets.

apps/Makefile does not depend on any hard-coded lists of directories. Instead, it does a wildcard search to find all appropriate directories. This means that to install a new application, you simply have to copy the directory (or link it) into the apps/ directory. If the new directory includes a Makefile and a Make.defs file, then it will be automatically discovered and included in the build at make time.

Kconfig. If the directory that you add also includes a Kconfig file, then it will automatically be included in the NuttX configuration system as well. apps/Makefile uses a tool at apps/tools/mkkconfig.sh that dynamically builds the apps/Kconfig file at pre-configuration time.

NOTE: The native Windows build is will use a corresponding tool called apps/tools/mkconfig.bat.

Install script. You could, for example, create a script called install.sh that installs a custom application, configuration, and board specific directory:

  • Copy MyBoard directory to boards/MyBoard.
  • Add a symbolic link to MyApplication at apps/external
  • Configure NuttX:
  tools/configure.sh MyBoard:MyConfiguration

Special apps/external Directory. Use of the name apps/external is suggested because that name is included in the .gitignore file and will save you some nuisance when working with GIT.

4. Contain the apps/ Directory

A simple, minimally invasive approach would be to contain the apps/ GIT clone within your custom application directory. In this case apps/ would appear as a directory under your custom application directory instead of your application directories being kludged in as sub-directories of apps/. It may even be implemented as a sub-module of your custom application directory.

Kconfig and Makefile. There are only a few minimal requirements of your custom application directory. It needs to have only its own Makefile and Kconfig file. That Kconfig would need to include the apps/Kconfig. The Makefile, would similarly need to invoke the apps/Makefile for all of the relevant build targets. For example, the clean target:

   $(MAKE) -c apps clean TOPDIR=$(TOPDIR)

Library Issues. The contained directory will create and install a static library called libapps($LIBEXT) in the nuttx/staging directory. Your custom logic must also appear in the nuttx/staging directory. Here are two ways that you might do that:

  1. Merge with libapps($LIBEXT). The custom application directory's Makefile could create and install the final libapps($LIBEXT) in the nuttx/staging directory. The <custom-dir>/apps/libapps($LIBEXT) could merge its custom object files with <custom-dir>/libapps($LIBEXT) and then re-install the library at nuttx/staging.
  2. Use the EXTRA_LIBS Feature. The build system supports two special Make-related variables call EXTRA_LIBS and EXTRA_LIBPATHS. These may be defined in your board-specific Make.defs file. EXTRA_LIBS provides the name of you custom library. If you create <custom-dir>/libcustom.a, then the value of EXTRA_LIBS would be -lcustom and the value of EXTRA_LIBPATHS would be -L <custom-dir> (assuming the GNU ld linker).

Relative Effort and Benefits. The contained apps/ directory approach requires some more effort that the extended apps/ approach, but has the advantage that there will be no strange behavior due to issues with .gitignore and, hence, a cleaner user experience.

Out-of-tree Builds. This configuration also has the possibility of supporting out-of-tree builds using fusefs. Suppose, for example, that I have a project directory with the contained apps/ directory and, say three, platform build directories. Using fusefs, I can overlay one of the platform build directories on top of the project directory. Then all files generated by the build will be written into the overlaid platform build directory. When the fusefs is torn down, the project directory will still be clean and the build result will still be in the platform build directory. This can then be repeated for the other two platform build directory.

In this case, you would probably also want to contain the nuttx/ directory in the project directory as well so that the entire system is built out-of-tree.

Hooking External Applications into the Configuration System

Suppose you have opted to extend the apps/ directory with your custom external applicatoin directories and would also like to support configuration variables in your external application. No problem. Thanks to Sebastien Lorquet, any external application that you install into the apps/, whether via a symbolic link or via a directory copy, will be included into the NuttX configuration system.

The top-level Kconfig file in the apps/ directory is automatically generated based on the contents of each apps/ sub-directory. If your installed sub-directory contains, Kconfig, Makefile, and Make.defs files, then it will be incorporated into the NuttX configuration system when the top-level Kconfig file is generated.

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