See also: OOo-Sitemap, OpenOffice Domains, Transition Planning


At some point Oracle will reclaim their servers that are currently running the website.  We need a plan to transition services and content from that site to other sites, including Apache-hosted.


Goals for successful transition should include:

  • External links to, and there are many thousands of them, are not broken.  This could be done by preserving URLs or by doing redirects
  • Popular public-facing, end-user and community services should remain at the website
  • Project oriented services, such as bug tracking, code repositories, etc., should be transitioned to ooo.a.o.


  • A survey of existing OOo services , describing what is there, in terms of services and content, with indications as to what areas are current versus legacy and which areas get the most traffic (volunteers = ???)
  • A recommendation, based on the above survey for how each service should be handled:  archive, delete, migrate to public site, migrate to project site, other (Volunteers = ???)
  • An infrastructure plan for how the needed migrations should occur (Volunteers = ???)
  • Migration of the individual services (Volunteers = ???)
  • Post migration monitoring and support for the inevitable thing that we miss (Volunteers = ???)


    1. There is an OO.o mailing list devoted to website maintenance:   A request there for volunteers, with a good place to reply, should recruit some good people.
    2. As noted in the "Transition Planning" page, the OO.o website recently underwent another relocation. To a moderate degree of confidence, you may assume that if it's still there, it's current and wanted.
  1. Thank you for this important piece of information. I'd like to pull together a full sense of what we learned about OOo infrastructure on ooo-dev in the last 9 days as a summary first. Then give the call for help. That way we get both correction and confirmation.