This proposal is to change invoker such that Invoker user-memory config is not relied on. Specifically :

  • ContainerPool can examine some cluster stats (NodeStats) to determine estimated ability to launch a container at any time
  • ContainerFactory can emit NodeStats based on the cluster manager impl (mesos, k8s, yarn, etc)

Note: to keep changes isolated to Invoker, we assume that whisk.container-pool.user-memory is set to a large value, to the point where Controller will always send activations to "home invoker", until that invoker becomes Unresponsive. This can be enhanced in the future to potentially:

  • track additional invoker states (low memory, too many activations, too large activation requests/responses)
  • shard based on other details (number of activations, activation request size, action code size, etc)

Main changes are to ContainerPool:

  • receive and track NodeStats for purpose of estimating launchability of containers
  • track pending container starts/stops (Reservations) for purpose of avoiding oversubscription of cluster resources (which would result in potentially significant wait for cluster manager to determine that resources are not available)


Once ContainerPool changes are agreed, it ContainerFactory impls can be modified to make NodeStats data available, based on whatever means is convenient for their impl.

Diagram of changes:

 Invoker Clustered Resources

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