April 2012 Board Report

Apache Rave is a widgets-based, web-and-social mashup platform.

There are no issues that need the Board's attention.

The TLP migration has occurred without major issue.  

  Task Status:
    * Infrastructure migration complete
    * All code (Maven POMs) & web pages have been updated to reflect new status
    * Final incubator status committed
    * committee-info.txt updated with PMC details
    * Officer info updated for new chair 

At the request of the community, a users@rave.apache.org mail list has been created and is already being used by community members.  The community continues to encourage participation and engagement from additional individuals and organizations. 

A wiki was created for work in progress, proposals and technical information. It does not replace the existing documentation website.  

Three additional committers & PMC members were added since graduation:
  * Ankur Shashikant Goyal [Committer & PMC]
  * Marijan Milicevic [Committer & PMC]      
  * Paul Sharples [Committer & PMC]        

The PMC has performed its first TLP release and the community is voting on a second TLP release.  

Project activity remains high with mail lists and commits continuing at the pre-graduation pace.

The Apache press release for the Rave graduation has gone out and been picked up by various news organizations such as CMS Wire and E-Week.

Thanks to the hard work of the Infra team, Rave was able to complete its critical infrastructure transition prior to the press release.  We really appreciate the extra effort on the part of Infra to make that a reality.

   * Project Naming And Descriptions : complete
   * Website Navigation Links : complete
   * Trademark Attributions : complete
   * Logos and Graphics : complete
   * Project Metadata : complete
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