Searched for "Rave" at and found 8 projects having "Rave" in their name, none even slightly related or comparable to Apache Rave

Searched for "Rave" at and found 180 repositories listed; top results include

  • diminish7 / rave (Ruby) [A Google Wave robot client framework for Ruby]

  • apache / rave [Apache Rave mirror]

  • codahk / Rave [A small language which compiles to PHP]

  • grandfunkdynasty / rave [rave: a visualization engine]

  • Xenocidius / Rave [no description]

  • [EskatOn] / Rave [no description]

Searched for "Rave" projects at returning 20 hits with the first 10 listed:

  • Apache Rave (listed first)
  • ravee-it-up [rave it up Glowsticking and mushrooms ]

  • lets-rave [rave it up Glowsticking and mushrooms ]

  • search-rave [Bascially i intend to show which users are online while we search them this helps the user to find and make frds faster ]

  • rave_embed [A Ruby on Rails plugin for embedding Google Wave into your app]

  • rave-chemistry [Integration of Apache Chemistry into Rave via OpenSocial Gadgets]

  • OpenRAVE [An free, cross-platform, plugin-based robot planning architecture that serves as the center of robot execution. Includes services like collision detection, robot kinematics, physics, sensors, robot controls, and a network scripting environment.]

  • Rave in Context [The Rave in Context project develops progressively enhanced, usable, accessible, learnable and adaptable W3C widget templates and widgets that can be used for Apache Wookie and Apache Rave (both Incubating). ...]

  • RaveMP Mp3 Utility [A simple graphical utility for raveMp portable MP3 players. Runs under Linux and uses KDE]

Searched for "open source rave" projects at returned 2,740,000 results

  • A blog post from MITRE Corporation concerning it using Apache Rave came up as top 1 link.
  • Apache Rave graduation announcement came up as top 2.
  • can up as top 3. [Rave is an open source MATLAB toolbox that provides point-and-click access to ...]

  • http://rave.­tigris.­org/ came up as top 4. [It is intended that RAVE be the foundation of a complete Open Source Engineering environment. ...]

Searched for "Rave" at returned 205 results

  • Rave reports, a Delphi reporting solution, came up in 29 of the first 30 results.
  • First question about Apache Rave was on place 30.
  • No labels