.. July 2023,  Apache Solr™ 9.3.0 available

The Solr PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Solr 9.3.0

Solr is the popular, blazing fast, open source NoSQL search platform. Its major features include powerful full-text search, hit highlighting, faceted search and analytics, rich document parsing, geospatial search, extensive REST APIs as well as parallel SQL. Solr is enterprise grade, secure and highly scalable, providing fault tolerant distributed search and indexing, and powers the search and navigation features of many of the world's largest internet sites.

This release contains several bug fixes. The release is available for immediate download at:


Please read CHANGES.txt for a detailed list of changes:


Solr 9.3.0 Release Highlights

  • The Lucene version used by Solr has been upgraded to 9.7.
  • Solr releases now have a "slim" variant, both for the binary release and the docker image.
    • The Slim variant is the same as the normal variant, except that it does not include Solr modules or the Prometheus exporter.
  • Vector Search
    • Added support for byte vector encoding in DenseVectorField and KnnQParser

    • High dimensional vectors are now supported in Solr
    • Solr can now take advantage of SIMD optimizations for Vector calculations, when run with Java 20 or 21.
    • A new "vectorSimilarity" function query has been added to calculate similarity scores for DenseVectorFields
  • Solr now provides an "Install Shard" API to allow users who have built (per-shard) indices offline to import them into SolrCloud shards.

  • Solr’s experimental "v2" API has seen a number of improvements in the 9.3 release.

    • It is now approaching parity with the functionality offered by Solr’s v1 API.
    • The v2 API as a whole is being redesigned to be more REST-ful and intuitive.
      See the Changelog and upgrade notes for information on which v2 APIs have backward-incompatible changes.
  • New APIs for MigrateReplicas and BalanceReplicas. These work out-of-the-box with the built-in PlacementPlugins.
    • The AffinityPlacementPlugin now supports co-location of shards between collections, using the "withCollectionShards" parameter.
  • Join Queries may handle equally sharded collections on both sides.
    • Shards of both collections should be collocated via AffinityPlacementPlugin.withCollectionShards
    • This operation doesn't support SplitShards 
  • Notice: Unknown cores are no longer deleted by default when Solr starts. Use "solr.deleteUnknownCores=true" to use the previous behavior.
  • Notice: Query timeouts with timeAllowed are implemented differently.  It should be faster albeit have less fidelity – will not timeout a query outside of core query processing (e.g. won't cancel spellcheck or faceting).  Use "solr.useExitableDirectoryReader" to use the previous behavior.  Please share your experience with Solr developers!  The previous behavior should not be enabled if timeAllowed isn't used because unfortunately its performance tax is now imposed on all queries, even those without timeAllowed.
  • Warning: Solr cannot be used with Java 20 on MacOS with the Java Security Manager.
    Please use the environment variable SOLR_SECURITY_MANAGER_ENABLED=false when running with Java 20 on MacOS.

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