NOTE: This information applies to an older version of Tapestry. For current information on Layouts in Tapestry, see

1. insert into your application hivemodule.xml

    <implementation service-id="">

        <invoke-factory model="threaded">
            <construct class="de.hsofttec.core4.resolver.Core4ComponentSpecificationResolverImpl">
                <set-object property="specificationSource" value="infrastructure:specificationSource"/>
                <set-service property="delegate" service-id=""/>
                <set-object property="applicationId" value="infrastructure:applicationId"/>
                <set-object property="contextRoot" value="infrastructure:contextRoot"/>
                <set-object property="classFinder" value="infrastructure:classFinder"/>


2. overwrite tapestry's ComponentSpecificationResolverImpl

public class Core4ComponentSpecificationResolverImpl extends ComponentSpecificationResolverImpl
    public void resolve(IRequestCycle cycle, INamespace containerNamespace, String libraryId, String type, Location location)
        // we detect the Border component and are sure, we dont call from the application namesspace
        if (type.equals("Border") && !containerNamespace.isApplicationNamespace())
            INamespace namespace = containerNamespace;
            while (!namespace.isApplicationNamespace() && namespace != null)
                namespace = namespace.getParentNamespace();

            if (namespace != null)
                containerNamespace = namespace;

        super.resolve(cycle, containerNamespace, libraryId, type, location);

3. make more flexible

insert into your application config a meta key like "appl.border" in fill the value with the name of your border component. then retrieve the value of this meta key in the Core4ComponentSpecificationResolverImpl.

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