Web Frontend

  • Block Allocations
    • For each of these, test for weekly, monthly, and list
    • Create new block allocations; try adding multiple times per test
    • Edit block allocations
    • Delete block allocations
    • Request new block allocations; try both specifying a user group and selecting "(group not listed)"; try with and without comments; try with users with and without an email address in the user table
    • Accept requested block allocations; try accepting from users with and without an email address in the user table
    • Reject requested block allocations; try rejecting from users with and without an email address in the user table
    • Create an entry where you are in the user group that is active during the current time to check viewing the block status


General range of tests for the back-end processing. The tests would more detailed depending on the provisioning module and OS module.

  • Reservation flow:
    • start - proper loading through provisioning module
    • monitor - during inuse state, based on check user connection flag
    • end - warning of upcoming end time, reclaim / reload node if applicable
  • End User Notifications: start, end time near, end. Image creation. (User pref dependent)
  • Sysadmin Notifications: Warnings and Criticals
  • Image Creation: pre-capture process(write currentimage.txt, setup OS with boot scripts), proper flow from start - complete. Dependent on provisioning and OS modules.
  • Cluster reservations: Flow - parent /child dependency. Parent process waits on children node to load, etc Children load/processes depend on parent process to handle request state change and notify end-user
  • Block allocations (previously called Block Reservations): Correct processing, notifications/warnings, etc
  • No labels