Status report for the Web Services Project

Noteable Happening's

  1. JaxMe has graduated from Incubator

2. jUDDI has petitioned to graduate from Incubator

Code Releases [since the last report]

  1. Re-release (addition) of jars contained in the 0.2 (incubation) release to the ASF java-repository. A few teething issues emerged but hopefully these will result in better procedures for future releases to the repository.

New Projects

Legal Issues

  1. A release of JaxMe is desired. However, it's currently blocked by the discussion on

2. A release of jUDDI is desired. Waiting to graduate from Incubator before we proceed.

Cross-Project Issues

Problems with committers, members, projects etc?


  1. All Web Service projects have moved bug reporting from Bugzilla to JIRA.
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