Status report for the Web Services Project

Noteable Happenings

The WS project had 5 Google Summer of Code projects. Four of them (RSS, JMX, Guththila, Kandula) have been successfully completed but the fifth person did not work out as he didn't put much time (as he was employed elsewhere during the summer).

Code Releases [since the last report]

  • Apache Scout : Release 0.5 was made that passes the TCK for JAXR as part of J2EE 1.4. Thanks to Geir for managing the release.
  • Apache Sandesha : 1.0-RC1 release was made on 07-12-2005.
  • Apache Sandesha : 1.0 Release was made on 07-29-2005.
  • Apache JaxMe : 0.5 Release was made on 09-08-2005.

New Projects

Woden incubator progress slower than expected over summer, but plan now agreed with milestone deliverables each month to complete WSDL 2.0 functionality by December.

WS PMC voted to accept the Synapse project into the WS PMC upon successful graduation from incubation.

Legal Issues

Cross-Project Issues

Problems with committers, members, projects etc?


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